Hey! It seems a while since I have written a beauty post. I have been really busy designing blog templates for my shop, which is a really exciting project I have just embarked on.
So my post today is on the items that I have received in my beauty boxes over the last few months that I have really enjoyed using and would really consider re purchasing.
All these products are from different boxes from She Said Beauty and Glossy Box.
My first item was from She Said Beauty - Aug box I think... and that is Collection 2000 Primed & Ready. I have done a post on this primer before here and said I think that it is a good dupe of Benefit's Primer but at a fraction of the price. I LOVE this, it really hides my pores and allows me to apply my foundation perfectly. I will defo wefo be re-purchasing
My next Item is Balance Me - Under Eye Cream, from Glossy Box Sept I think... I love this cream and love to use it in the evenings to cool and reduce my bags (wrinkles) from my stressful day. I don't think that it is a miracle cream, but I think it makes enough of a difference to under my eyes to take away a stressful day.
Thirdly.... is Monu Calming Cream. This has a green tint that is said to reduce redness on your face, you are suggested to use twice a day after cleansing your skin however, I love (a bit weird) to mix it with my foundation in the morning, it's hashtag, amazeballs! It reduces the redness of my face and seems to make my foundation last longer. I must do a before and after picture! this is my fav all time beauty box product and will buy again.
Next, is the Glossy Box Lipstick. I did not use this straight away as I felt it looked and felt a little cheap. Which I do still think.. it does not last very long at all and is not a great formulation, but I just love the colour. I would love to find a MAC lipstick in a similar colour so if you know one please let me know.
Lastly is Collection 2000 Fix me Up. I slagged this product off when I got the She Said Beauty box... and I must eat my words. I really like this and think it works very well. I do not need to re apply my make up all day if I spray this on my finished look! the only downside is the smell, I think it smells a little like wet dog... oh dear
So there we have it, I am sure that there will be other items that I like however I have so many I am finding it difficult to try them all!
What are your fav beauty box items?
until next time junkies...

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